Gattaca….not sure what to say

So we watched gattaca over a week ago now (it’s been an intense week for a variety of reasons only getting to write things up now) and I have to say I’m not entirely sure what I thought of it.

The good man himself really enjoyed it, thought it was a brilliant movie. I thought it was good but I’m not sure I can’t really describe what it was but maybe the topic matter made me feel uncomfortable. The whole idea of deciding exactly what genetic characteristics are acceptable or even knowing from birth when you are going to die it’s all a bit creepy for me. That being said I did like the ending (well not all the ending I can’t say too much without giving out any spoilers).

All in all I didn’t love it and I didn’t hate it so it’s definitely middle of board for us

Tootsie done and dusted

So we continue to get through the list at a reasonable rate for us (we would sometimes go weeks without watching a movie or worse being able to agree what movie to watch). Anyways this date night we decided that we fancied something fairly light, nothing too taxing on the wild noggin. However when you look at the list it appears that really there are not that many light and easy movies on it. It would appear such movies do not do so well with the critics (baywatch springs to mind even though that has been my favourite movie of the year so far!). So we decided on tootsie as it was billed as a comedy.

Well we both enjoyed it. The good man and I had many a laugh with it and I think we both particularly enjoyed the element that Bill Murray brought to it.

However I have to admit I felt a bit unsure watching it in light of #metoo. After what has come to light about Dustin Hoffman being a bit overfamiliar and inappropriate with his female stars I couldn’t stop that fluttering into the back of my mind. I guess I’m just a bit conflicted: are we supposed to boycott classic movies such as tootsie or silver lining playbook or rear window because of their associations with one exploitative person or are we allowed to look at the production as a whole and appreciate outside of it? I’m probably just overthinking things but as someone who tries to be a good feminist and have a certain moral awareness I just find it a tricky thought.

I think my next blog post here will instead be a description of all that I have baked so far this year…much more light hearted

Who knew a movie about a peeping Tom could be so good?

We watched Rear window at the start of the week and for once the good man and myself agreed we both loved it. The story line the acting the tomography we were both captivated from start to finish. It is definitely top of the list so far and shows what a good direction Hitchcock was (even with his reputation as being an otherwise unpleasant man).

Again it was very of his times with the storyline of a woman having to change herself in order for a man to realise how awesome she actually is but I’m starting to feel if I don’t have some sort of feminist rant against a classic is it really a classic at all lol

Enchanted I’m sure

So tonight we watched enchanted. I wanted something light and easy and I was also desperate to watch it after it was given such large prominence in a parks and rec episode lol

So the reviews are in

The good man thought it was very like princess bride in that it was a fairy tale for adults and then like elf as it’s the person taken from a different place that without context you would assume had a mental illness… but overall he said it was enjoyable

I really enjoyed it!!! I thought it was funny and also clever definitely a feel good go to movie when you are down. I also think my daughter is going to love it when she’s a bit older so plenty of excuses to rewatch.

Definitely my favourite so far

Time to review

So we started with predator and tonight we watched some like it hot so here are quick reviews of what we thought.

Firstly Predator….It was ok I guess. I had never seen it before and I was expecting a bit more gore or horror . I had it pegged as a horror movie which it wasn’t, hadn’t realise it was purely an action movie. I imagine it was pretty scary or out there at the time but I wasn’t that bothered. If I’m going to watch an 80s action movie give me Die Hard any day.

The good man thought it was a no frills action movie and he very much enjoyed it.

Some like it hot: I enjoyed it. It was a nice and easy movie to watch. I didn’t need to think too much about it I just sat back and enjoyed it (though the whole scene when Tony Curtis uses that awful story about being unable to love and Marilyn Monroe’s character goes all in did my head in but it is of it’s time I suppose)

The good man thought that some like it hot was very enjoyable and is currently looking up trivia around it (spoiler apparently Marilyn Monroe was completely rubbish kept messing up her lines and was always late)

So all in all some like it hot is coming strong ahead of predator however only 2 movies in I’m not thinking it will stay at the top for long.

And it begins….

Happy New Year! 2019 is upon us (in fact its nearly a week in) and its time for the movies and the resolutions to commence. For this month I have set the good man the challenge of creating art. He has to fill a canvas with his art so watch this space and at the end of the month I will post his finished results. My resolution is much more conventional in that he wants me to eat more fruit and veg. Circumstances lead to this not happening at all the first week so we’re starting afresh ignoring the first week and starting 2019 over again on Monday.

Now on to movies. Tonight is the first real opportunity to sit down and watch one. Well that’s not entirely true we sat down and watched a movie last night. It wasn’t one on the list (Baywatch was not critically acclaimed) but we both really enjoyed it and after a shitty week it was the best thing to sit down to with a couple of drinks and just have a good chuckle. So tonight we start our challenge and we are going to kick it off with Predator. So watch this space for our reviews (most likely in 2 days as I have 2 long days to start my week off) and lets hope its a strong start to the challenge.

He’s already put a spanner in the works

Today while the bambinos watched some pj masks i searched the interweb for all the different top 100 movie lists and I picked my 50 or so movies. I figured we would go halfers on what was picked so it wasn’t all about what movies I wanted to see, make it fairer and all that. Anyways when I told main man all my movies and said “Now you have to pick your 45-50 movies” he replies “Lets just see how we get on with what you’ve picked”………………………..

I’ll leave that pause there, take my deep breath and slowly blow away the idea of a shared list of 100 movies.

New plan everyone 0we are now having a list of the 53 movies I have picked for us to watch. I picked off four different lists in the end 1) The Empires top 100 movies 2) Metacritics top 50 movies 3) The American Film Institute top 100 movies 4) Rotten Tomatoes top 200 movies

The list is, in no particular order:

  1. Stand by me
  2. Good will hunting
  3. Arrival
  4. The Prestige
  5. Predator
  6. Leon
  7. Some like it hot
  8. Mulholland Drive
  9. Rear Window
  10. Singin’ in the rain
  11. Memento
  12. L.A. Confidential
  13. Donnie Darko
  14. La La Land
  15. Whiplash
  16. Interstellar
  17. Vertigo
  18. The Shining
  19. 2001: A Space Odyssey
  20. Alien
  21. Shawshank Redemption
  22. Inside Llewyn David
  23. Jackie
  24. Spotlight
  25. Sideways
  26. Carol
  27. Boyhood
  28. Sunset Boulvard
  29. North By Northwest
  30. Westside story
  31. A streetcar named desire
  32. Tootsie
  33. Dances with wolves
  34. Duck Soup
  35. All About Eve
  36. The Maltese Falcon
  37. Seven Samurai
  38. Playtime
  39. Metropolis
  40. Selma
  41. Chinatown
  42. Let the right one in
  43. Forbidden Planet
  44. The Player
  45. The diary of a teenage girl
  46. Children of men
  47. The piano
  48. Bridesmaids
  49. Almost famous
  50. Enchanted
  51. The Sixth sense
  52. Gattaca
  53. Royal Tenenbaums

So there you have it. The list is complete and come 2019 we will start it and see how we get on anyway.

Now to see if he agrees…..

Here I am procrastinating but hopefully this will all work out for the betterment of all so if that’s not a good enough reason to keep going I don’t know. This all began when my main man suggested to me that we start a classic movie club just he and I. As a couple who generally spend a lot of time at home (2 young kids and my shift pattern doesn’t leave much room for a hectic social life) we watch a lot of tv and watch a lot of movies. However, as a couple we are very different…kinda like an opposites attract but not quite that extreme. This means the movies I like and the movies he likes are often very different and my poor main man is generally the one who gets the short straw and has to watch the chick flicks while I resolutely refuse to watch anything super violent or by Tarantino. So maybe a classic film club just he and I is a good idea….however his first suggestion of basic instinct is a bit suspect given all it’s famous for……..

So I’ve taken this idea and run with it and changed it (not like me at all). I have decided instead that we will make our own top 100 movies picking and choosing from various lists available and that will be our 2019 challenge. Now whether main man realises that this means we will need to watch approximately 2 movies a week in order to achieve this is a whole other matter hence this blog.

Let me explain.

Another way myself and main man differ is I am a binger of movies/tv shows/books anything like that. I have watched many a whole series in one day (first season of lost, the good place, queer eye the list could go on and on). Main man is more of a slow burner kinda guy (we never finished the first season of game of thrones because one episode before the end he decided he “just didn’t fancy it”). So maybe if we have this blog it adds a certain amount of expectation that things need to be done.

There are other elements which I want to bring into this besides just movies but I think this post is long enough and I also have a lot of cleaning to cram into the 1 hour left before I have the pick up the bambinos so here is (hopefully) the start of a new adventure that won’t be life changing but will be entertaining (although depending on what main man picks for his movies we shall see!)